The parquet, as it is made of wood, can easily be damaged with time. If you did not completely change it, it should be refreshed, flattened, dipped, and painted. Depending on the quality and thickness of the parquet, this refreshment can be done once or more times until the parquet is “not completely damaged” until it becomes ready for replacement. Here at designer deck torontowe know how to fix old floors and make them look like new.

Repairing and refreshing parquet floors always starts with deep cleansing to thoroughly remove residual marks of grease and wax. Just rub it with a special product at a concentration of 100 ml / 1 l. If the parquet was covered with a tapestry, you can rub the glue and synthetic foam with a long handle. If the parquet was used, use a diluent to soften and remove the color. Then rinse and leave it to dry, then thoroughly examine the surface to find and correct any defects: cracks, holes…

Any bumps or broken parts should be replaced. First, remove the broken part, not the entire length, but only the broken part in the gap between the two transverse beams. Work with a manual or electric device.

When you are putting a new piece, make sure to trim the edges so that you can easily insert it into the adjacent lids.

Finally, when everything is done, clean the floor thoroughly so that the abrasive board will not stain quickly, then float the parquet.


For polishing the parquet you need to get the right equipment. First of all, you will need a roller, which is easier to handle. Get a nice bucket, a blade machine that you can handle even for the hard-to-reach places, such as the surfaces beneath the radiator. It is advised to wear a mask, protective glasses and earplugs for noise protection.

The important thing is to be very careful when using devices and machines and protect yourself.

If you are not able to handle the machine properly, make sure you ask someone to show you how to use it or let that work be done by a professional. You do not want to hurt yourself or damage the floors even more so that you will need to replace the floors in the entire home.

Flooring parquet

If, after you are done with scrubbing the floors, you do not want the parquet to be protected by wax or other products, you can paint it using the color that goes well with the interior of your home. Woody shades are always the best choice and it will make your floors look like new. This agent is applied in two layers with a brush and must finally be protected by a lacquer. Once you are done, you will be very proud of your work and your home will get a new shiny appearance.
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